Friday, October 15, 2010

10/12/10-10/13/10: Zurich, Switzerland

Day before yesterday we arrived by train to Zurich, Switzerland, the fourth country on our trip. Our hotel (The Leonich Hotel) was definitely decorated...unexpectedly.


After we became settled into our bovine frenzied hotel, we decided to take a walk around a bit. It was later in the day, so we had to explore whist it being dark outside.

Yesterday we left early to see what we could see and to get a quick history of Switzerland we went to a museum.

A neat fact about Zurich is that Albert Einstein actually came there to study at ETH Zurich from 1896-1900. He also worked out the General Theory of Relitivity in Zurich from 1912-1914.

We took a taxi to get back to the train station, and our driver was from Pakistan. He was telling us how awful effects of the war was having on his family and his homeland. He told us how he had to take his family and leave home, because there are always bombs and shootings there. He didn't want his his four young children to have to watch people die anymore. It was a really moving story, and it makes me think that our view of Pakistanians is off the tracks a bit. The media makes them all out to be terrible people who are all out to get us...but people like this man is just trying to keep his family safe. And to do so he had to relocate to a
different country. I just wanted to share that with you.



  1. Every place you go I think.....Oh...that would be my favorite! It's such a hard choice!!! I'm thinking now it would be a hard choice between Pari and Switzerland. Hmmmmmm I cna;t wait to hear which one you enjoyed the most. We miss you here lots and lots!!!!!! Are you homesick???? Probably too busy:) That's Ok...Hope the rest of your trip is as fabulous as the first part of it has looked!!

  2. I'm not really homesick, but I am people sick. I miss you too!!! Thank you, this trip has been completely fabulous. :)
